Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Friday, February 27, 2015

Hyssop...and living by faith

Weee...Only 28 days but been along expensive month...The latest washing machine has died. Too many hardships.. ie working constantly... when we have electric that is. Power spikes, outages, hard unending labor have had their toll in less than a year. Pump motor and spin motor toast and sensors bad. hmm... Electronic things have a difficult time here....so does money...Going to see about parts maybe after the first, depends on what the LORD allows. But might be less to buy another one...Washing by hand in a house like ours weee... Did it for over a year a while back. Still trying to fix the roof too.. Already replaced many broken roof panels but still need to do many more. Ran out of money. Most crumble in half when we pick them up to inspect. Had one of our men wanting to go to the main public hospital in the capital to preach and hand out tracts over the weekend. TV news will be there too.. He came by for help and tracts. I gave him hundreds of J/R and thousands of tracts, even let him borrow my only camera, but felt ashamed I could not go or even muster $5 bus far for him to go with at the moment. Been a long hard month... I let him use my phone to call one of his old friends who gave him bus fare...

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Firsts... Our first wedding at the Lighthouse. Been a very busy weekend. Saturday Feb 14 was a wedding and Sunday was the graduation for the Bible institute. Lisa made cakes for both(took 40lbs of powedered suger alone), food for the wedding and planned it out. We set up tents on the grounds, killed our big male lamb to feed everyone, Sunday bused down the mountain church to have a joint service at the Lighthouse. 100+ church members in a 66 pass bus 2 hours slowly down the mountain, hot dusty, steep and rough.
Our first Bible institute graduation from one of our mountain churches. Three years hard work and a year working ministry full time. Make these young men ready to go minister as the LORD leads. There were another dozen also walking behind the graduates who should be ready in the coming years. Amen.
Also the ladies ministry of the church in the city did an outreach to the hospital on Valentines day and led 2 women to the LORD. Amen!
 On a lower note had a drunk driver hit our New Lighthouse bridge the middle of the night... the most well lit object in the whole area... and stole the lightbulbs off it. So need to do repairs. I also got ran off the road Monday. Could have been deadly and plowed into a stopped pickup with 15 or more people in the bed or head long into a semi.. but the LORD protected and only bent some metal and broke some glass on the new kia and no one hit or hurt... Mostly fixed, still needs a bit of body work.
While out seeking parts our 2 young boys were rough housing on the beds,  one pushed the other off and split his head wide open needing 10 stitches. Every step forward is costly and burdensome in unseen ways. Picked up a few roof panels in hopes to slow the very leaky roof of the lighthouse dorms. Fear I need more but not enough to do everything. Needs to be done before rainy season hits. Our Bible student Wilman who is sacrificing much driving 1.5hours off of one mountain and up an hour a second with the old resurrected motorcycle.. blew the motor. So church services were canceled Sunday. Brought it back to the Lighthouse and jr found cyl, piston ect to get it going yet again. send him off only to go rescue him 2 days later...fixing again. Really need good transportation if they are to preach in uttermost parts...Planning another Nicaragua outreach for March, praying the LORD makes a way.

Monday, February 2, 2015

In need of miracles

Need prayer. We need several miracles. There is so much before us at this time I see no way but to share it with our ministering saints and plead with heavens provision. The needs are way beyond our capacity but need to get done.

1-As seen in posts below we have a major opportunity to reach into Nicuargua. A medical outreach group is coming, tickets and meds bought, and we are hoping to plant 1-2 churches out of it. Need funds to care for the group we are bringing to translate, preach and soulwinner. Care for a group of about 10 poor mountain preachers and bible students (Soul winners) and our kids as translatorsfor 10 days in a foreign country to help our Nic nat preacher/evangelist. Driving two old trucks down that need repairs first as well. Plus funds to prepare legal papers to begin a ministry there.
2- Our Lighthouse dorms need a roof. One side has been repaired dozens of times and now has cracks from peak to wall. Could run $3000. And will not know till we pull it off and see much can be salvaged. Needs to be done before rainy seasons hits (April). Was rough last rainy season, now it is worse
3-We need to start school but the rules have changed and we must hire a state approved cert Honduran  teacher(cost $400 a month). Plus buy all that is needed for the kids to start this month (Feb)
And many other issues just to keep the ministry running...

Baptised 3 this Sunday. One was the young man from a few posts back...Amen! The Last group that was here one of their kids found that Julie needed new glasses and took care of the need personally. They arranged it all before they left and Julie picked them up Friday. Happy clear sighted camper...AMen!

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